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Natural Benefits of Aloe Vera

This post is a chance to be as natural as possible. Whenever it comes to health, skincare, hair- we all look around for natural, cruelty-free products. Nature has provided us with many such healers that are plant-based and effective. The thing is that natural healing takes somewhat longer, and generally, we lose patience. But from personal experience, it is worth it; so, try to stick around!

Today, I am going to talk about one such plant- ALOE VERA.

Aloe vera is a beautiful, supremely beneficial plant. It literally can help you with almost all your health problems. It is a succulent plant, easy to grow or buy, and pretty simple to use. Its main substance is the transparent gel underneath the green skin. 

Without further ado, let’s dive into the content. 

Growing/Obtaining Aloe Vera

Aloe vera is widely available in the market. You can buy it in physical stores as well as online in two forms- either its gel or the plant itself. The gel is to be stored in a cool place, and you can use it daily. 

If you wish to grow it on your own, you can do so without a hitch. It is a low-maintenance plant. You can conveniently keep it in your balcony in a pot. 

Points to take care of-

  • It is a plant that grows in mild sunlight or shade. Avoid a spot with direct sunlight.

  • Don’t water it every day. When the topsoil dries, only then put water in it.

  • It can also survive indoors, but it might not grow very much without good air. 

Let’s see how to store it.

Storing Aloe Vera

Before I jump to the use of the plant, let’s talk about form and storage. You can either store it in a juice/gel form or use it off the plant.

  1. Using aloe vera off the plant is pretty straightforward. Simply peel off the green skin with a knife and you’ll see a transparent gel that can directly be used. You can scoop it up with a spoon and put it in a bow. This is the most natural way you can use it daily.

  2. However, sometimes it gets tedious to peel it every day. So what you can do is, take aloe vera in abundance and take out the gel in a jar. Blend it for 5-10 seconds. The gel will ease into a juice and you can store it in the fridge and use it for up to 6 months. 

Uses of Aloe Vera

Aloe vera is a supremely beneficial plant. Let’s talk about uses:

1. Skincare

All sorts of skin problems can be treated by the application of aloe vera gel. Dryness, acne, itchiness, oily skin, redness, you name it. Almost all beauty products have aloe gel in them.

Apply the gel regularly on your skin. You don’t even need to wash it, your skin will simply absorb the gel. It works best if you apply it overnight or massage your skin for 1-2 minutes with the gel just before bathing. You can use it more than once a day. 

2. Wounds and Burns

Aloe vera has healing properties, and it is a naturally cool plant. Any wounds, marks, or burns, can be healed by applying aloe gel. And as mentioned, it is very good for your skin.

3. Stomach and health 

Aloe vera is great for stomach problems. It helps in curing constipation, digestion problems, acid, and blood sugar as well. You can very confidently add a glass of aloe juice to your diet. It will make a big difference. You can consume it without mixing anything else, or if you want some good recipes, the internet is full of them.

4. Hair

Aloe vera helps in treating dry scalp, oily scalp, dandruff, or even just the overall health of your hair. It helps in increasing the volume. You can add a little coconut oil to the gel and apply it overnight. Wash it off with a mild shampoo, and you’ll be able to feel a softness in your hair right after they dry.

5. Weight-loss

Drinking aloe vera juice routinely will help you reduce weight, detox, and stay healthy in general. Tons of people have experienced the effect of its juice on their weight journey. 

Well, these were some of the major benefits and uses of aloe vera. As you can see, you can pretty much use it for anything. It is a good plant to have in your garden.

Keep the aloe vibes flowing,

by contributing author,

Pranjali Jain

Hey, my name is Pranjali and I am 18-years old. I enjoy spreading love and positivity and so I created a blog page. The content we consume on a daily basis is what shapes our life and mind. My intention here is to help you and myself to create a happy and healthy lifestyle. 

